






SO/IEC 25000 系列标准

ISO/IEC 25000 系列标准,也称为 SQuaRE(系统和软件质量要求和评估),其目标是创建软件产品质量评估框架。

ISO/IEC 25000 是其他几个标准演变的结果; 具体来自 ISO/IEC 9126(定义了软件产品评估的质量模型)和 ISO/IEC 14598(定义了软件产品评估的过程)。 ISO/IEC 25000 系列标准由五个部分组成。


ISO/IEC 2500n – 质量管理部门

构成该部门的标准定义了 SQuaRE 系列所有其他标准进一步引用的所有通用模型、术语和定义。 目前,该划分由以下标准组成:

     ISO/IEC 25000 - SQuaRE 指南:提供 SQuaRE 架构模型、术语、文档概述、目标用户和该系列的相关部分以及参考模型。
     ISO/IEC 25001 - 规划和管理:为负责软件产品需求规范和评估管理的支持功能提供需求和指南。

ISO/IEC 25010

质量模型是产品质量评价体系的基石。 质量模型确定在评估软件产品的属性时将考虑哪些质量特征。

系统的质量是指系统满足各个利益相关者明确和隐含的需求并从而提供价值的程度。 这些利益相关者的需求(功能、性能、安全性、可维护性等)正是质量模型中所代表的,该模型将产品质量分为特性和子特性。

ISO/IEC 25010定义的产品质量模型包含九个质量特性,如下图所示:


该特性表示产品或系统在指定条件下使用时提供满足明示和暗示需求的功能的程度。 该特性由以下子特性组成:

     功能完整性 - 功能集涵盖所有指定任务和预期用户目标的程度。

SO/IEC 25059

人工智能 (AI) 系统越来越多地融入组织中,导致 ISO/IEC 25010 标准质量模型的特征得到扩展,以包含这些系统所呈现的其他方面。

ISO/IEC 25059 在产品质量方面的变化如下:


     功能适应性。 人工智能系统能够准确地从数据或先前行动的结果中获取信息,并在未来的预测中使用该信息的程度。

对于功能正确性,ISO/IEC 25059 警告说,机器学习方法通常无法在所有观察到的情况下提供功能正确性,因此有必要仔细衡量正确性和错误性。


     用户可控性。 用户能够以适当的方式充分干预人工智能系统的运行的程度。
     透明度。 向利益相关者传达有关人工智能系统的充分信息的程度。


     鲁棒性。 人工智能系统在所有情况下都能保持其性能水平的程度。


     可干预性。 操作员能够及时干预人工智能系统运行以避免损坏或危险的程度。

ISO 25000

The ISO/IEC 25000 series of standards

The series of standards ISO/IEC 25000, also known as SQuaRE (System and Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation), has the goal of creating a framework for the evaluation of software product quality.

ISO/IEC 25000 is the result of the evolution of several other standards; specifically from ISO/IEC 9126, which defines a quality model for software product evaluation, and ISO/IEC 14598, which defines the process for software product evaluation. The series of standards ISO/IEC 25000 consists of five divisions.


ISO/IEC 2500n – Quality Management Division

The standards that form this division define all common models, terms and definitions referred further by all other standards from SQuaRE series. Currently, this division consists of the following standards:

  • ISO/IEC 25000 - Guide to SQuaRE: Provides the SQuaRE architecture model, terminology, documents overview, intended users and associated parts of the series as well as reference models.
  • ISO/IEC 25001 - Planning and Management: Provides requirements and guidance for a supporting function which is responsible for the management of software product requirements specification and evaluation.

ISO/IEC 25010

The quality model is the cornerstone of a product quality evaluation system. The quality model determines which quality characteristics will be taken into account when evaluating the properties of a software product.

The quality of a system is the degree to which the system satisfies the stated and implied needs of its various stakeholders, and thus provides value. Those stakeholders' needs (functionality, performance, security, maintainability, etc.) are precisely what is represented in the quality model, which categorizes the product quality into characteristics and sub-characteristics.

The product quality model defined in ISO/IEC 25010 comprises the nine quality characteristics shown in the following figure:


Functional Suitability

This characteristic represents the degree to which a product or system provides functions that meet stated and implied needs when used under specified conditions. This characteristic is composed of the following sub-characteristics:

  • Functional completeness - Degree to which the set of functions covers all the specified tasks and intended users' objectives.
  • Functional correctness - Degree to which a product or system provides accurate results when used by intended users.
  • Functional appropriateness - Degree to which the functions facilitate the accomplishment of specified tasks and objectives.

SO/IEC 25059

The increasing incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems in organisations has led to the extension of the characteristics of the quality model of the ISO/IEC 25010 standard to include those additional aspects that these systems present.

The changes in ISO/IEC 25059 with regard to product quality are the following:

Functional Suitability incorporates the subcharacteristic:

  • Functional Adaptability. Degree to which an AI system can accurately acquire information from data, or the result of previous actions, and use that information in future predictions.

For Functional Correctness, ISO/IEC 25059 warns that machine learning methods often do not provide functional correctness in all observed circumstances, so it is necessary to measure correctness and incorrectness carefully.

Usability incorporates two subcharacteristics:

  • User Controllability. Degree to which a user can adequately intervene in the operation of an AI system in an adequate manner.
  • Transparency. Degree to which adequate information about the AI system is communicated to stakeholders.

Reliability incorporates the subcharacteristic:

  • Robustness. Degree to which an AI system can maintain its level of performance under all circumstances.

Security incorporates the subcharacteristic:

  • Intervenability. Degree to which an operator can intervene in the operation of an AI system in a timely manner to avoid damage or danger.

ISO/IEC 25012

The Data Quality model represents the grounds where the system for assessing the quality of data products is built on. In a Data Quality model, the main Data Quality characteristics that must be taken into account when assessing the properties of the intended data product are established.

The Quality of a Data Product may be understood as the degree to which data satisfy the requirements defined by the product-owner organization. Specifically, those requirements are the ones that are reflected in the Data Quality model through its characteristics (Accuracy, Completeness, Consistency, Credibility, Currentness, Accessibility...).

The Data Quality model defined in the standard ISO/IEC 25012 is composed of 15 characteristics, shown in the picture bellow:


ISO/IEC 5259

ISO/IEC 5259 describes a data quality model for data analytics and artificial intelligence based on machine learning (ML).

This standard is based on the ISO/IEC 25012 model, and like ISO/IEC 25012 differentiates between two types of characteristics: inherent and system-dependent, to which it adds a new category of additional characteristics.

ISO/IEC 25040

ISO/IEC 25040 provides a process description for evaluating quality of software product and states the requirements for the application of this process. The evaluation process is composed of five activities.




乳制品 GMP


机构名称: 北京思坦达尔认证中心 证 书 号: CNAS C064-M
批准时间: 2019-03-01 有 效 期: 2024-04-27
负 责 人: 卞晓燕 电 话: 18611542926
地 址: 北京市朝阳区来广营西路国创产业园6号楼2层2013
邮  编: 100012 传 真: 64917929
机构网址: http://www.bjcscc.cn/ 机构Email: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
领域: QMS 首次发证时间: 2011-11-18
认可要求: ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015
认可业务范围: 详细信息 未上传附件
认可的部分业务范围: 详细信息
分支机构: 详细信息


机构名称: 北京思坦达尔认证中心 证 书 号: CNAS C064-M
批准时间: 2019-03-01 有 效 期: 2024-04-27
负 责 人: 卞晓燕 电 话: 18611542926
地 址: 北京市朝阳区来广营西路国创产业园6号楼2层2013
邮  编: 100012 传 真: 64917929
机构网址: http://www.bjcscc.cn/ 机构Email: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
领域: EMS 首次发证时间: 2002-12-10
认可要求: ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015
认可业务范围: 详细信息 证书附件
认可的部分业务范围: 详细信息
分支机构: 详细信息


机构名称: 北京思坦达尔认证中心 证 书 号: CNAS C064-M
批准时间: 2019-03-01 有 效 期: 2024-04-27
负 责 人: 卞晓燕 电 话: 18611542926
地 址: 北京市朝阳区来广营西路国创产业园6号楼2层2013
邮  编: 100012 传 真: 64917929
机构网址: http://www.bjcscc.cn/ 机构Email: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
领域: OHSMS 首次发证时间: 2017-08-08
认可要求: ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015
认可业务范围: 详细信息 证书附件
认可的部分业务范围: 详细信息
分支机构: 详细信息  




  • [2011-02-31]北京思坦达尔认证中心新版网站正式上线
  • [2023-01-20]北京思坦达尔认证中心喜迁新址
  • [2022-09-01]中心网站审核员专区开始投入使用
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  • [2020-08-31]北京思坦达尔认证中心新版网站正式上线
  • [2020-08-31]北京思坦达尔认证中心正在进行新版认可准则转换工作
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  • [2017-08-13]中日签署《中国环境标志与日本生态标签互认协议》
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  • [2015-08-31]
  • [2014-08-31]“全国认证机构工作会议”在昆山召开
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Accreditations and acknowledgements

Eurocontrol-sa holds all the accreditations, authorisations, certifications and registrations necessary to perform the inspection, trial, certification and control services, among others. These accreditations, which are issued by the related official bodies following a process of technical audit and management, are the guarantee of our technical proficiency, and validate our operational procedures.

Inspection Body

Inspection bodies perform evaluations of installations, components, etc. in the regulatory or voluntary fields, to decide in accordance with the legislation, standards or specifications. Eurocontrol-sa has the following accreditations as an Inspection Body, according to the requisites established in the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17020 Standard:

    06/EI007 Industrial Inspection. See Technical Annex.
    06/EI060 Inspection of Leisure Vessels. See Technical Annex.
    06/EI092 Environmental Inspection See Technical Annex.
    OC-I/271 State Metrological Control: phase of instruments in service See Technical Annex.

Non-destructive Testing
EUROCONTROL holds National Accreditation Agency (ENAC) accreditation No. 845/LE1878 AS NON-DESTRUCTIVE TRIALS LABORATORY and that for a number of Audits from ASME AS NON-DESTRUCTIVE TRIALS COMPAN...
Destructive Trials
We perform destructive trials for the classification of materials, welding procedures, etc… This work is combined with others in our lines of action, such as qualification of welding procedures a...
Quality control in the production of supplies
EUROCONTROL, S.A. provides services in Construction and in Industry by completing all the work (or in collaboration with the manufacturers themselves as Technical Consultants) for jobs on the follo...
Inspection and supervision of equipment, components and supplies at all phases
EUROCONTROL performs these Inspections at all their phases not just in the workshop but also at the source. It also has experience in many areas of action and draws on specialised resources in th...
Trials of construction materials
The EUROCONTROL laboratory has had more than 20 years’ experience and so has been involved in many of the large Construction and Infrastructure projects which have been undertaken in this country...
Metrological tester
Legal Metrology is designed to confirm that the provisions applicable in relation to measurement instruments among other things are complied with, to guarantee the equitability of commercial tr...
Activation and tracking of capital goods
EUROCONTROL has personnel which is expert in the activation and tracking of orders in order to ensure that delivery deadlines are met, in compliance with the quality and contractual requisites put...
Evaluation of suppliers
EUROCONTROL, S.A. implements its verifications by means of examinations and evaluations as to whether the parts applied in a quality guarantee programme have been developed, documented and implemen...


Technical Inspection of Vessels (TIV)
Obtaining or renewing the Seaworthiness Certificate and Registration Certificate All types of voluntary technical inspections Obtaining or renewing the Seaworthiness Certificate and Regis...
CE marking of recreational craft
CE MARKING AND CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT OF RECREATIONAL CRAFT AND THEIR COMPONENTS Applicable to craft that have been placed on the Community market after 16 June 1998 and for newly-built models. C...
Noise level certification, exhaust emission certification and technical assistance, measurements and testing
Reports for river basin authorities
  Inland navigation (on rivers and reservoirs) involves obtain permission from the competent river basin authority. The authority in question will require either: A valid seaworthin...
Independent reports and updating boat´s paperwork
INDEPENDENT REPORTS AND UPDATING BOATS' PAPERWORK A) INDEPENDENT REPORTS AND UPDATING BOATS' PAPERWORK During a vessel's lifetime, circumstances may arise that require an independent technic...
Servicio de valoración técnica para particulares y aseguradores
En un mercado de segunda mano tan activo como el de las embarcaciones la valoración técnica es esencial para sustentar la decisión de compra o de concesión de seguros. Conociendo el estado...
Floating structures and miscellaneous components
A) EVALUATION AND CERTIFICATION OF FLOATING STRUCTURES  There are no EC regulations governing the sale of floating structures (hammocks, kayaks, pedal boats, ...). If manufacturers want to prov...
Occupational training
3 courses: Regulatory Inspection of Recreational Craft How to be a Collaborating Entity inspector. 2nd edition 2014. Finished ISO standards. Course given to shipyards and shipbulding firms. B...
Maritime traffic management
In accordance with the different national and international regulations on Maritime Law and Maritime Traffic, EUROCONTROL offers the following services: Design of technical specifications for l...

Tourism Services

Standard and/or project under the direct responsibility of ISO/TC 228
ISO 11107:2009
Recreational diving services -- Requirements for training programmes on enriched air nitrox (EAN) diving

ISO 11121:2017
Recreational diving services -- Requirements for introductory programmes to scuba diving

ISO 13009:2015
Tourism and related services -- Requirements and recommendations for beach operation

ISO 13289:2011
Recreational diving services -- Requirements for the conduct of snorkelling excursions

ISO 13293:2012
Recreational diving services -- Requirements for gas blender training programmes

ISO 13687-1:2017
Tourism and related services -- Yacht harbours -- Part 1: Minimum requirements for basic service level harbours

ISO 13687-2:2017
Tourism and related services -- Yacht harbours -- Part 2: Minimum requirements for intermediate service level harbours

ISO 13687-3:2017
Tourism and related services -- Yacht harbours -- Part 3: Minimum requirements for high service level harbours

ISO 13810:2015
Tourism services -- Industrial tourism -- Service provision

ISO/TS 13811:2015
Tourism and related services -- Guidelines on developing environmental specifications for accommodation establishments

ISO 13970:2011
Recreational diving services -- Requirements for the training of recreational snorkelling guides

ISO 14785:2014
Tourist information offices -- Tourist information and reception services -- Requirements

ISO 17679:2016
Tourism and related services -- Wellness spa -- Service requirements

ISO 17680:2015
Tourism and related services -- Thalassotherapy -- Service requirements

ISO 18065:2015
Tourism and related services -- Tourist services for public use provided by Natural Protected Areas Authorities -- Requirements

ISO 18513:2003
Tourism services -- Hotels and other types of tourism accommodation -- Terminology

ISO 20410:2017
Tourism and related services -- Bareboat charter -- Minimum service and equipment requirements

ISO 20611 [Under development]
Adventure tourism -- Good practices for sustainability -- Requirements and recommendations

ISO 21101:2014
Adventure tourism -- Safety management systems -- Requirements

ISO/TR 21102:2013
Adventure tourism -- Leaders -- Personnel competence

ISO 21103:2014
Adventure tourism -- Information for participants

ISO/DIS 21401 [Under development]
Tourism and related services -- Sustainability management system for accommodation establishments -- Requirements

ISO/CD 21406 [Under development]
Tourism and related services -- Yacht harbours -- Essential requirements for luxury harbours

ISO/DIS 21416 [Under development]
Recreational diving services -- Requirements and guidance on sustainable practices in recreational diving

ISO/DIS 21417 [Under development]
Recreational diving services -- Requirements for training on environmental awareness for recreational divers

ISO/FDIS 21426 [Under development]
Tourism and related services -- Medical spas -- Service requirements

ISO/AWI 21620 [Under development]
Tourism and related services- Heritage Hotels

ISO/AWI 21621 [Under development]
Traditional restaurants -- Visual aspects, decoration and services

ISO/CD 21902 [Under development]
Tourism and related services -- Accessible tourism for all -- Requirements and recommendations

ISO/CD 22483 [Under development]
Tourism and related services -- Accommodation: Hotels -- Service requirements.

ISO/AWI 22525 [Under development]
Tourism and related services -- Medical Tourism -- Services requirements

ISO/AWI 22876 [Under development]
Tourism and related services -- Supplementary charter holiday services and experiences

ISO/AWI 23405 [Under development]
Tourism and related services -- Principles and terminology of sustainable tourism
ISO 24801-1:2014
Recreational diving services -- Requirements for the training of recreational scuba diver